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Alba Stan Coat Stand 8 Pegs and 2 Hooks 5Kg Weighted Base 48 x 355 x 1750mm Silver Grey/Black - PMSTAN3 M Key Features 8 large pegs with rounded tips - clothes friendly 2 hooks for accessories Holds up to 6 umbrellas Weighted base for extra stability (5kg) with 35.5cm diameter Easy to clean Easy and quick assembly without tools Your Price: £ 54.35 (£ 65.22 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 178.12 SAVE: £123.77
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Order Code: 29490AL
The perfect coat stand to furnish your workspace, your lobby or your reception rooms. .Stylish metallic grey coat stand with great capacity thanks to 8 rounded plastic coat pegs, an umbrella holder and two removable hooks for accessories.
General Brand Colour Country of Origin Dimensions Form Height Manufacturer Material No of Accessory Hooks No of Hooks Type Coat Racks & Umbrella Stands
Umbrella Holder Warranty Weight