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Cillit Bang Power Cleaner Drain Unblocker Gel 500 ml - 3251224 Your Price: £ 2.90 (£ 3.48 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 8.64 SAVE: £5.74
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Order Code: 30036RH
MPN Code: 3251224
Cillit Bang Power Cleaner Odour Stop Unblocker Gel is effective at unblocking tough clogs. This powerful formula works even in standing water, cutting through blockages while cleaning and eliminating odours caused by bacteria. Designed to be safe on all pipes, this gel is suitable for kitchen drains, bathroom showers, baths and basins. Pour 500ml into drains, leave for 30 minutes and flush carefully with hot water. For extreme clogs, leave for longer.
General Application Brand Form Manufacturer Reckitt Benckiser Group plc
Pack Size Type