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Calgon Washing Machine Cleaner and Water Softener Tablets (Pack 45) - 3002766 Key Features Protects against limescale, residue and odours Neutralises and prevents Limescale forming in the first place Helps eliminate residue and prevents the source of malodours Cleaner laundry in every wash and safe for use on all types of fabrics Protects all vital parts of your washing machine Your Price: £ 10.59 (£ 12.71 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 31.52 SAVE: £20.93
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Order Code: 30071RH
MPN Code: 3002766
Calgon 3in1 Tablets softens hard water, preventing against limescale, residue and odour. Calgon's leading formulation with active ingredients; polycarboxylates, softens hard water, preventing limescale from forming in the first place. Calgon is not a descaler, but purely a preventative measure - meaning the sooner you introduce Calgon into your daily wash routine, the better! Calgon Tablets begins acting immediately to neutralise limescale, prevent dirt residue and odours leaving your washing machine healthy and your clothes protected.
General Brand Manufacturer Reckitt Benckiser Group plc
Pack Size Type