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Air Wick Electrical Air Freshener Refill Crisp Linen 19ml - 3200676 Key Features Scented refill for use with Air Wick Plug in Diffuser Adjustable for light or stronger fragrance release Lasts up to 100 days on minimum setting Crisp linen and lilac fragrance Contains natural, essential oils Your Price: £ 2.41 (£ 2.89 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 7.20 SAVE: £4.79
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Order Code: 30092RH
MPN Code: 3200676
Designed for use with all Air Wick plug in devices, this refill releases its scent continuously and can be adjusted according to your needs - keep a low setting for subtle fragrancing or small rooms; or turn up the intensity and fill even the largest of rooms with enticing and elegant aromas. This refill contains natural essential oils and lasts for up to 100 days on a minimum setting. Simply keep the refill upright and insert into the diffuser until you hear a click. Marvel as the atmosphere in your home is transformed into one of luxury.
General Brand For Use With Air Wick Plug In Diffuser
Form Fragrance Manufacturer Reckitt Benckiser Group plc
Size Type