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Dynamic Evolve Plus Cable Management Basket Silver Frame - BE792 Key Features Silver nylon coated wire basket Open structure to keep contents cool Flip down feature for easy management Accomodates transformers, cable and other under desk items Please note this is only compatible with the back to back desking configurations Your Price: £ 44.24 (£ 53.09 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 150.56 SAVE: £106.32
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 30414DY
MPN Code: BE792
Future proof your desking solutions with the system that can grow, reduce or alter shape easily and without fuss. Seamlessly creating the perfect team working environment, the Evolve Plus bench desking system is stunningly designed and creatively engineered. Bench systems provide a large expanse of workspace with a continuous, uninterrupted surface area. Coupled with a wide selection of wood finished sliding tops, Evolve Plus matches our storage and Impulse ranges. This is the desking solution that evolves with your business needs.
General Brand Colour Component Type Country of Origin Dimensions For Use With Manufacturer Material Type Warranty Weight