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Magiboards Mobile Wingboard Magnetic Coated Steel Whiteboard Aluminium Frame 1200x1200mm - MWC208L Key Features Magnetic steel mobile dry erase whiteboard Special non marking wheels glide easily Two wheels can be locked firmly in place when the board is being used Includes all fixings and full set of easy to install instructions Your Price: £ 362.96 (£ 435.55 inc. VAT) Out of stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 32334MA
MPN Code: MWC208L
Magiboards’ Mobile Magnetic Wingboard on stand is supplied on a sturdy mobile stand with lockable wheels. The addition of two centrally opening wings gives 5 surfaces to write on. The sizes quoted are with the wings in closed position. A clever discreet magnet inside the framing holds the whiteboard wings closed. The framing is made of anodised smudge free aluminium.
General Type Colour Size Fixing Board Type Board Surface Frame Material With Castors Dimensions Warranty