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APC RBC2 Replaceable Battery Key Features Maintenance-free sealed Lead-Acid battery with suspended electrolyte : leakproof Enclosed battery cartridge Expected Battery Life (years): 3-5 RBC Quantity: 1 Your Price: £ 465.88 (£ 559.06 inc. VAT) Currently 2 items left in stock
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Order Code: 8APCRBC24
MPN Code: RBC24
Designed by APC by Schneider Electric exclusively for APC UPS's for complete compatibility with the intelligent battery management system. Tested and approved to restore the performance of your APC UPS. Maintains UPS safety certifications (UL, VDE, CSA) and lifetime equipment protection policy (as applicable).
General Type Colour Battery Type Dimensions Weight Warranty 1 Year Repair or Replace Warranty
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