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D-Link DWA 131 Wireless N USB Nano Adapter Key Features Wi-Fi Protected Setup push-button design for easy connection Compatible with existing wireless 802.11b/g networks Better wireless reception around the home Your Price: £ 9.51 (£ 11.41 inc. VAT) Out of stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date
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Order Code: 8DLDWA131
MPN Code: DWA-131
The DWA-131 Wireless N Nano USB Adapter connects your computer to a high-speed wireless network and provides a fast wireless connection with superior reception. Once connected, you can access your network’s high-speed Internet connection and begin browsing the web, streaming videos and music, playing online games, and sharing content with your friends.
General Type Wireless Network Adapters Wireless Network Adapters
Colour Data Rates Up to 300Mbps Up to 300Mbps
Protocol IEEE 802.11n/g/b IEEE 802.11n/g/b
Dimensions Weight Warranty 2 Year Warranty 2 Year Warranty