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Logitech Universal Wireless Keyboard Key Features A unique 4-point grip holds most 9-10 inch tablets securely and elegantly including iPad, Android and WindowsŽtablets Dedicated function and shortcuts keys for iOS, Android or Windows let you control the tablet without leaving the keyboard Built for years of everyday use, it features durable materials that hold up to constant use and occasional mishaps Universal Folio uses replaceable coin cell battery to power the keyboard Advanced BluetoothŽ 3.0 provides a reliable connection that wont drop between tablet and keyboard Your Price: £ 65.14 (£ 78.17 inc. VAT) Out of stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 8LO920008341
MPN Code: 920-008341
Universal Folio takes mobile computing to a new level. Now you can enjoy laptop-like typing anywhere you take your tablet. Universal Folio locks your 9-10 inch tablet at an optimal angle for typing and holds firm on any surface from a Cafe table, a desk, or your lap. Its durable, spill-resistant shell protects your tablet during daily use.
General Type Colour Dimensions Weight Warranty 2 Year Limited Hardware Warranty