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Fellowes 8044001 Seasa Freestanding Dual Stacking Monitor Arm Key Features Create a multi-display productive workspace position your monitors to reduce eye neck and shoulder strain dual monitors are in a stacked position to save space in tight workspaces the surface mount allows dual monitors to be used in spaces that do not allow a clamp or grommet mount Low profile weighted base Your Price: £ 39.95 (£ 47.94 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 101.90 SAVE: £61.95
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Order Code: 30910J, 36726FE
MPN Code: 8044001
The Fellowes Professional Series monitor arm has a free-standing, stacking design for 2 monitors. The portable design can be used without the need for a clamp or grommet mount.
For use with monitors up to 32 inches, the arm has a maximum weight capacity of 8kg. The base is weighted for stability and the monitor arm also includes an integrated cable management system to keep the workspace free of cables. A pole mount allows you to choose a height setting and fix it in place.
Specifications: +/-45° Tilt, +/- 90° Pan, 360° Rotation
5 year Warranty with Fellowes. Please contact 01302 836836
Fellowes 8044001 Seasa Freestanding Dual Stacking Monitor Arm brochure