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Post-it Notes Large Format Ruled 102x152mm 100 Sheets Yellow (Pack 6) 660 - 7100172753 Key Features Post-itŽ Notes are handy repositionable notes that can be stuck to most surfaces and removed cleanly. Brilliant for larger messages, reminders and notes. Canary Yellow - Lined. 100 sheets per pad, 6 pads per pack. 152mm x 102mm Your Price: £ 18.15 (£ 21.78 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 38207MM
MPN Code: 660
Take detailed notes or create neat lists with Post-it® Large Notes Canary Yellow. For times when you can’t fit your message on to just one Post-it® Note, these large self stick notes offer all the space you need for when details are important. They’re lined, which makes them ideal for organising, taking more notes or leaving long messages.
General Type Colour Size Pad Form Rulings Pages Paper Colour Dimensions Eco-Aware Environment Support