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Sellotape Easy Peel Extra Strong Double Sided Tape 15mm x 5m (Pack 12) - 1445293 Key Features Versatile tape coated on both sides with strong adhesive Perfect for sealing packages and envelopes and mounting lightweight objects Easy tear for quick application Easy to remove backing strip Small core Size: 15mm x 5m Your Price: £ 15.20 (£ 18.24 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 44.76 SAVE: £29.56
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Order Code: 38266HK
MPN Code: 1445293
Sellotape double sided tape. Versatile tape coated with strong adhesive on both sides to create an instant dry adhesive bond. Easy tear and easily removable backing paper for effortless use. Ideal for display mounting and exhibition work. Size: 15mmx5m.
General Adhesive Type Brand Colour Length Manufacturer Roll Core Size Type Type Of Tape Width