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Epson 478XL Squirrel Grey High Yield Ink Cartridge 10ml - C13T04F64010 Key Features The genuine article for hassle-free and reliable printing XL inks are ideal if you print high volumes and can help to reduce your printing costs Your Price: £ 16.13 (£ 19.36 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: EPT04F64010
MPN Code: C13T04F64010
Taking a brilliant photo can take a second, but it’s what you do next that brings it to life. With long-lasting Claria Photo HD Inks, you can achieve superior glossy photos on demand. This set of 6-colour inks includes grey for smoother gradations between the shadows and highlights, and red for vivid and realistic colours thanks to the wider colour gamut.
General Type Colour Cartridge Type Ink Volume Ink Colour