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ValueX Everyday Envelopes C4 White Pocket Plain Peel and Seal 25mm Gusset 140gsm 324x229mm (Pack 125) - 9000 Key Features White 324x229x25mm Non Window Pack 125 140 gsm Peel and Seal Your Price: £ 16.19 (£ 19.43 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 40212BL
MPN Code: 9000
Packaging for all bulky postal applications. With 8 different sizes available across over 38 products, consisting of tear resistant, recycled, coloured unique board back gusset packaging. The ultimate solution for those mailing conundrums.
General Type Colour Size Envelope Grade Grammage Closure Gusset Envelope Colour Flap Position Dimensions