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Blake Pure Premium Envelopes C4 Super White Wove Pocket Window Peel and Seal 120gsm 324x229mm (Pack 250) - RP84892 Key Features Super White Wove C4 324x229mm Window Pack 250 120 gsm Peel and Seal Powerseal Digital & Laser Printer Safe Acid Free Matching Paper FSCŽ Certified Product - Mix 5 Year Shelf Life Your Price: £ 35.65 (£ 42.78 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 40345BL
MPN Code: RP84892
The range comprises of 100% recycled, FSC certification products - the whitest recycled envelopes in the world. So, with its professional aesthetic, and environmentally friendly credentials, you can ensure that your mailings are working sustainably.
General Type Colour Size Envelope Grade Grammage Closure Gusset Envelope Colour Window Position Window Size Finish Dimensions Eco-Aware Recycled Product Environment Support FSCŽ Certified Product - Recycled