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ValueX Stickn Pop-Up Notes 100 Sheets Neon Colours (Pack 6) EH7674 - 21848 Key Features Pop-Up notes. Lift one note at a time. Assorted neon, pack of 6 pads, 100 sheets per pad. Most popular size. Bright & attractive colours. Dispenser available - item EH7468. Your Price: £ 2.41 (£ 2.89 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 5.80 SAVE: £3.39
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Order Code: 42221HP
MPN Code: EH7674
Stick'n offers a variety of innovative self-adhesive and repositionable products. We develop our commitment to the slogan, "Sticking Close to You", which reflects the essence of our brand promise: - to provide creative products that can change how we live our lives and the way we communicate. Pop-up Notes are fan folded, so each sheet pops up one after another. With a dispenser, you can easily take one note at a time. Makes note-taking more convenient.
General Type Colour Size Pad Form Rulings Pages Paper Colour Dimensions