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Dymo 43618 D1 6mm x7m Black on Yellow Tape Key Features Black on yellow 6mm gloss D1 tape compatible with Label Point and Label Manager Machines and Label Writer Duo Your Price: £ 12.78 (£ 15.34 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 24.97 SAVE: £12.19
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 10082J
MPN Code: S0720790
Created specifically for your LabelManager™ and LabelWriter™ Duo label makers, DYMO D1 labels offer the performance and variety you need for most labelling jobs. They adhere to most clean, flat surfaces – including plastic, paper, metal, wood and glass – and feature easy-peel backing for trouble-free application.
Versatile, durable D1 labels take the hassle out of home and office organization.
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