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Bankers Box Earth Series A4 Transfer File Pack of 20 Key Features Pack of 20 A4 size transfer box file ideal for the storage of your papers and files Designed to fit in the Earth Series storage boxes and container Locking tab keeps the lid securely closed Made from FSC certified 100% recycled board 100% recyclable Your Price: £ 15.59 (£ 18.71 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 35.80 SAVE: £20.21
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 33616J
MPN Code: 4470201
These Fellowes Earth Series A4 Transfer Files from the Bankers Box range are perfect for sorting your filing that is ready to be archived so that it is no longer taking up room in filing cabinets.
This earth series bankers transfer files are compatible with the banker box earth series storage boxes. The lids on these transfer files can be locked shut using the tab. The 100mm spine gives you a large space for your documents.
Earth series Files are made from 100% recycled materials and is FSC certified.
Pack of 20