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Bi-Office Easy Tripod Flipchart Easel Magnetic 700x1000mm Grey - EA2306045 Key Features Highly portable easel with magnetic surface Easy to assemble and adjustable height (1,15 m to 1,95 m) Adjustable flip pad clamp, for use with any flipchart pad Full length pen tray Lightweight aluminium frame Professional use Your Price: £ 129.51 (£ 155.41 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 45158BS
MPN Code: EA2306045
Easy Flipchart Tripod Easel, with a magnetic dry wipe surface ideal for frequent use, telescopic height adjustable legs, and the pad clamp that is adjustable to fit any standard flipchart pad. The product is also durable, lightweight and easily transportable to any location where required, and therefore an excellent product for the office or meeting rooms.
General Type Drywipe Surface Magnetic Extension Arms For Pad Size With Castors Board Size Height Adjustable Dimensions Weight Warranty