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Western Digital Blue 2TB SATA 6Gbs 2.5 Inch 5400 RPM Internal Hard Drive Key Features Available in a broad range of entry-level capacities, cache sizes, form factors and interfaces With the highest possible aerial density inside the thinnest space Designed with strong aluminum materials and a hard Tied-Shaft motor WD Blue storage is tested and recommended for use in notebooks, external enclosures and certain industrial applications Your Price: £ 90.91 (£ 109.09 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 8WD20SPZX
Built to WD’s high standards of quality and reliability, WD Blue mobile hard drives offer the features that are ideal for your everyday mobile computing needs. Designed and manufactured with technology found in WD’s original award-winning desktop and mobile hard drives.
General Type Form Capacity Data Transfer Rate Dimensions Weight Warranty