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Kensington SoleSaver Foot Rest Adjustable Grey 56152 Key Features Three tilt options for personalised comfort. 10, 15 and 20 degrees Contoured foot grip panel helps prevent slipping Generous platform 450cm x 350cm (WxD) Elevates legs to improve posture and circulation and reduce lower back pressure Helps reduce pressure on lower back and alleviate discomfort from sitting Your Price: £ 22.69 (£ 27.23 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 30.40 SAVE: £7.71
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 48245SP
MPN Code: 56152
Footrests keep legs elevated for improved posture and circulation while you work at a desk and help reduce pressure on the lower back. They are easily adjustable for extra comfort, while there is a range of specifications available to suit individual requirements.
General Type Colour Material Accessory Type Platform Size Tilt Adjustment Dimensions Warranty Country of Origin