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Bic Velleda Whiteboard Double Sided Non Magnetic Red Plastic Frame 300x440mm - 812105 Key Features Double-sided dry wipe board 2 useful white surfaces Easy to mount to most surfaces using holes provided Good erasability immediately and after a few days 30cm x 44cm Your Price: £ 8.46 (£ 10.15 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 48294SP
MPN Code: 812105
BIC durable, double-sided dry wipe board is lightweight and portable, making it great for schools, demonstrations and presentations on the go. The surfaces are designed to be long lasting and easy to wipe clean, giving good erasability immediately and after a few days allowing constant repeated use. The board is plain on both sides, great for presenting into he office, allowing you to do any type of work. This board measures 30cm x 44cm and has a pre-drilled hole for hanging on the wall if required.
General Type Colour Size Fixing Board Type Board Surface Frame Material Grid Pattern Double Sided Dimensions