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Air Wick Active Fresh Room Spray Jasmine Bouquet 236ml - 3247158 Key Features Infused with natural essential oils Fill your home with a true to nature experience of wild jasmine and frangipani flowers blended with a warmth of spiced cinnamon Free from propellants, dyes and phthalates Your Price: £ 2.40 (£ 2.88 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 7.16 SAVE: £4.76
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Order Code: 48593RH
MPN Code: 3247158
Discover Air Wick Active Room Spray, with x2 Odour Neutralisation technology for a light, natural scent. Infused with Natural Essential Oils it refreshes your home, tackles pet odours and banishes bathroom and kitchen smells.
General Brand Form Fragrance Manufacturer Reckitt Benckiser Group plc
Size Type