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Tombow ABT Dual Brush Pen 2 Tips Dermatlogically Tested Assorted Colours (Pack 6) - ABT-6P-3 Key Features Brush Pen with two tips Fine tip for drawing precise lines; wide brush tip for extensive colouring Water-based colours can be mixed together and used as watercolours Perfect for creating cards, producing motifs, sketching, drawing comics, illustrating and much more Acid-free and odourless Your Price: £ 8.90 (£ 10.68 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 48714TW
MPN Code: ABT-6P-3
Brush Pen with two tips. The fine tip (line thickness: approx. 0.8 mm) is mainly used, when drawing exact lines. The second tip is a flexible brush tip. Its line thickness varies according to the pressure applied to up to approx. 10 mm. Available in 107 vivid colors + blender. Water-based colors can be mixed together and used as watercolors. Perfect for handlettering, aquarell, illustrations, stamping / card crafting, drawing comic / manga, journaling and much more. These pens are acid-free, non-toxic and odourless. Colors are not light-resistant.
General Type Fineliner & Felt Tip Pens
Colour Form Tip Size Ink Type Barrel Colour Ink Colour Blue, Green, Orange, Pink, Red, Yellow