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CEP Mineral by Cep Magazine File Pink - 1006742681 Key Features Dynamic and elegant line Contrasting matt finish on a glossy background Store all documents up to 24 x 32 cm in size, vertically or horizontally The handle provides excellent grip Retaining 2cm wall lip allows easy storage or retrieval of records Recyclable shock resistant polystyrene Your Price: £ 5.25 (£ 6.30 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 14.96 SAVE: £9.71
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Order Code: 49888CE
MPN Code: 1006742681
A magazine rack with dynamic and elegant lines, highlighted by a material with contrasting matt finish on a glossy background. Versatile, it allows you to store all documents up to 24 x 32 cm in size, vertically or horizontally.
General Brand Colour Country of Origin Dimensions Manufacturer Material Storage For A4 literature and magazines
Type Warranty Weight