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Border Biscuits Luxury Mini Twin Pack 5 Varieties Assorted Biscuit (Pack 100) - 0401049 Your Price: £ 34.40 (£ 41.28 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 114.44 SAVE: £80.04
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 50490CP
MPN Code: 0401049
A delicious selection of biscuits are ideal for sharing at work, in a conference setting or break-out area, perfect for a complimentary treat in hotel rooms. Each pack contains two biscuits. Five luxury varieties supplied; Butterscotch crunch, Chocolatey cookies, Golden oat crumbles, Viennese whirls, Shortbread. Hygienically wrapped for freshness.
General Brand Flavour Food Type Manufacturer Pack Size Pack Type Type