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Nescafe Organic Coffee Fairtrade Certified 500g (Single Tin) - 12582354 Key Features NESCAFÉ Organic is produced with 100% Fairtrade certified coffee beans NESCAFÉ Organic is made with Arabica coffee beans, delivering citrus notes creating a smooth and mild mug Hinged lid uses 'Click-to-Close' technology for simple and secure re-sealing of the coffee tin Space efficient tin and easy to store back of house or on a countertop Your Price: £ 37.85 (£ 45.42 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 101.24 SAVE: £63.39
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 50525NE
MPN Code: 12582354
NESCAFÉ Organic is not just an exceptionally good coffee, made using 100% Arabica coffee beans for a smooth, delicious mug of coffee. As a Fairtrade certified coffee, it’s good for farmers, their families, and communities too. Fairtrade contributes to the sustainable development for certified producers by enabling fairer trading conditions, social change and environmental protection. So, every spoon from our tins of coffee is that much more enjoyable. NESCAFÉ Organic is also proudly EU Organic certified and Certified Organic to the Soil Association higher Organic standards.
General Type Manufacturer Brand Drink Type Pack Size Pack Type Coffee Style Eco-Aware Environment Support