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Dettol Antibacterial Hand Soap 5 Litres x 2 + FREE Dispenser - 3253761x2+BC233FLX Key Features Suitable for frequent use Dettol Antibacterial Hand Soap 5 Litres x 2 For use in dispensers FREE Dispenser Your Price: £ 21.60 (£ 25.92 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 64.32 SAVE: £42.72
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 50959XX
MPN Code: 3253761x2+BC233FLX
Dettol Pro Cleanse Liquid Hand Wash is soft on skin and tough on dirt. Antibacterial formula effectively washes away dirt whilst being kind to skin. Dermatologically tested and suitable for sensitive skin. Suitable for frequent use. Dye free. For use in dispensers.
General Type Hand Soap, Creams & Lotions
Manufacturer Reckitt Benckiser Group plc
Brand Form Antibacterial Protection Fragrance Pack Size On Promotion