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Classmaster Graphite Pencil Hexagonal Barrel HB (Pack 12) - GP12HB Key Features HB Graphite Pencils from Classmaster All pencils are pre-sharpened, so they’re ready-to-use right out of the box Great for drawing, shading and precision drawing Reliable quality, hexagonal wooden barrels in a standard size Perfect for popping in the pencil case or stocking up classroom supplies Your Price: £ 0.95 (£ 1.14 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 3.56 SAVE: £2.61
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Order Code: 51225EA
MPN Code: GP12HB
Ideal for use in schools, colleges, offices and even at home, these Classmaster HB pencils are great for sketching, precision drawing and shading. With a standard sized hexagonal barrel, each Classmaster HB pencil can be held comfortably by a child, and the quality lead stands up to heavy-duty use without breakage. Ideal for topping up supplies or for using in your pencil case.
General Type Manufacturer Brand Form Lead Grade Eraser Tip Dimensions Weight Country of Origin