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Classmaster Graphite Pencil Hexagonal Barrel HB with Eraser Tip (Pack 144) - GP144HBET Key Features HB Graphite Pencils from Classmaster with eraser tips All pencils are pre-sharpened, so they're ready-to-use right out of the box Great for drawing, shading and precision drawing Reliable quality, hexagonal wooden barrels in a standard size Perfect for stocking up classroom supplies Your Price: £ 10.64 (£ 12.77 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 39.96 SAVE: £29.32
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Order Code: 51246EA
Ideal for use in schools, colleges, offices and even at home, these Classmaster HB pencils with eraser tips are great for sketching, precision drawing and shading. Each pencil is also topped with a handy eraser. With a standard sized hexagonal barrel, each Classmaster HB pencil can be held comfortably by a child, and the quality lead stands up to heavy-duty use without breakage. Ideal for topping up supplies or for using in your pencil case.
General Type Manufacturer Brand Form Lead Grade Eraser Tip Dimensions Weight Country of Origin