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Classmaster Magnetic Whiteboard Organiser with Magnetic Eraser Includes 4 Classmaster Pens in Blue Black Black And Green - MPHK Key Features Magnetic Whiteboard Organiser suitable for use on all wall-mounted, magnetic whiteboards Store and tidy your whiteboard markers and eraser easily Includes four bullet tip drywipe markers in blue, black, green and red Also features a large, magnetic whiteboard eraser Ideal for use in classrooms and offices Your Price: £ 9.23 (£ 11.08 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 27.72 SAVE: £18.49
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Order Code: 51288EA
This Magnetic Whiteboard Organiser is ideal for keeping any classroom or office whiteboard area tidy. Each organiser features space for drywipe pens and erasers. Also includes four Classmaster bullet tip drywipe pens and a large, magnetic whiteboard eraser. Included pens are blue, black, green and red.
General Type Drywipe Board Accessories
Manufacturer Brand Colour Accessory Type For Use With Wall-mounted Magnetic Whiteboards
Dimensions Weight Country of Origin