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Border Biscuit Sharing Pack Contains 6 Varieties of Biscuit (Pack 400g) - 0401328 Key Features 6 Classic Recipe Biscuits Made for Sharing Crafted with Care Made by Family Bakers Since 1984 Suitable for Vegetarians Your Price: £ 4.84 (£ 5.81 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 13.28 SAVE: £8.44
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Order Code: 51722CP
MPN Code: 0401328
At Border, we know how special biscuit moments can be. That's why our family bakery is dedicated to perfecting every recipe, from finessing our famous flavours to crafting the perfect crunch. So whenever the moment matters to you, make sure you enjoy it with a Border Biscuit. Perfect for wonderful moments with great company, this selection includes our Milk Chocolate Viennese Whirls, Butterscotch Crunch, Buttery Shortbread Rings, Chocolate Oat Crumbles, Sultana Melts and Chocolatey Cookies.
General Type Manufacturer Brand Food Type Pack Size Pack Type Flavour