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Kensington EQ SmartFit Easy Riser - K52805EU Key Features Uses SmartFit® to simplify ideal ergonomic height positioning The plastic in this product contains 50% post-consumer recycled (PCR) content Padded non-slip inserts keep any 12-17” laptop firmly in place Dissipates heat buildup and keeps the laptop cooler Eases strain on battery and internal components Compact and foldable design is easy to carry Your Price: £ 22.18 (£ 26.62 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 69.44 SAVE: £47.26
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Order Code: 52562AC
MPN Code: K52805EU
Ideal for hybrid workers looking for a portable ergonomic solution and organisations requiring sustainable solutions, the SmartFit® Easy Riser® EQ Laptop Cooling Stand improves workstation ergonomics and productivity. The riser aims to reduce our environmental impact, utilising 50% post-consumer content (PCR) in all plastic components. SmartFit® allows you to customise the height and angle of your laptop screen to reduce back, neck and eye strain. The compact design folds flat for travel and promotes airflow to improve battery performance.
General Type Manufacturer Brand Colour Material Form Monitor/Notebook Size Adjustable Number Of Screens/Laptops Height Adjustment Method Dimensions Weight Warranty Country of Origin