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Cheeky Panda Sustainable Plastic-Free Bamboo Flat Facial Tissues 80 Sheets Per Pack (Pack 12) - FLAFTX12 Key Features Made from Eco Friendly Bamboo Strong 3 Ply Sheets Super soft on skin & naturally hypoallergenic Natural formula with no nasty chemicals 100% Plastic Free Product & Packaging Vegan Certified with the Vegan Society Your Price: £ 13.81 (£ 16.57 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 40.64 SAVE: £26.83
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 53038CY
The Cheeky Panda Eco Friendly Flat Box of Tissues are of a premium quality. Made from 100% pure Bamboo. No chemicals & No testing on animals. Strong & soft a perfect eco friendly alternative.
General Type Manufacturer Brand Colour Thickness Tissue Size Eco-Aware Environment Support