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Cheeky Panda Sustainable Plastic-Free Bamboo BALSAM Flat Facial Tissues 64 Sheets Per Pack (Pack 12) - BALSTX12 Key Features Plastic free, recyclable packaging Kind to skin and dermatologically tested Proudly certified vegan & cruelty free Balsam bamboo tissues with soothing aloe vera Your Price: £ 16.58 (£ 19.90 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 48.76 SAVE: £32.18
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 53045CY
Our biodegradable facial tissues are made from FSC-certified bamboo. These soft and durable tissues have been designed to be gentle and soothing on your face, while strong enough to handle the biggest of sneezes.
General Type Manufacturer Brand Colour Thickness Eco-Aware Recycled Product Plastic Free Recyclable Packaging