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Fellowes 53069 75x105mm 125Mic Pouch pack of 100 Key Features 75x105mm card size and gloss finish Pack size of 100 Capture 125 Micron thickness provides an advanced level of document protection Ideal for identity cards credit cards business cards and visitor cards Compatible with all laminator brands Your Price: £ 4.61 (£ 5.53 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 9.76 SAVE: £5.15
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 33250J
MPN Code: 53069
Preserve, protect, and enhance important documents with premium quality pouches that ensure clear, durable results every time you laminate. - Simple and easy to use - just place document in the right pouch size and insert it into the laminator. - Available in a variety of sizes to meet your needs. - Compatible with all laminator brands.
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