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Cheeky Panda Sustainable Plastic-Free Bamboo Toilet Tissue 3 Ply Embossed 160 Sheets Per Roll (Pack 36) - LQTOILT36 Key Features 3-ply tissue Soft and luxurious quilted toilet rolls Packed in the outer box 'naked' rolls to reduce their carbon footprint Tightly wound rolls to lower the product's carbon footprint Made with FSC sustainable bamboo Plastic free packaging can easily be recycled Your Price: £ 19.49 (£ 23.39 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 57.40 SAVE: £37.91
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Order Code: 53080CY
These 3-ply soft, luxurious quilted Bamboo toilet rolls are tightly wound to help lower the product's carbon footprint. Each box of 36 'naked' Bamboo toilet rolls offers an ideal solution for those businesses looking to reduce their carbon footprint; producing fewer carbon emissions than standard virgin tree-based products. Plastic free packaging can easily be recycled.
General Type Manufacturer Brand Colour Form Thickness Eco-Aware Environment Support