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Cheeky Panda Sustainable Biodegradable Bamboo Baby Wipe 60 Wipes Per Pack (Pack 12) - BABYWX12-GBR Key Features Made from 100% natural and sustainable bamboo 100% biodegradable & compostable 99% purified water with Aloe Vera and fruit extract Fragrance free Dermatologically Tested with SGS Super soft on skin & naturally hypoallergenic Natural formula with no nasty chemicals Vegan certified & cruelty free Your Price: £ 23.40 (£ 28.08 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 68.84 SAVE: £45.44
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 53150CY
The Cheeky Panda loves the planet these wipes are whipped up from biodegradable bamboo (instead of non-biodegradable, ocean-polluting polyester), proudly vegan and never (ever) tested on animals. Adores babies' sensitive skin and completely natural. Panda's wipes are wonderful for babies - made from 99% water. 1% aloe juice and fruit extract, and a teeny-weeny trace of food preservative (for squeaky clean anti-bacterial qualities).We use surplus Virgin Pulp Bamboo which would otherwise be wasted from FSC ® sustainably sourced forests which grows back a huge 30x faster than trees do. It's the fastest growing plant in the world.
General Type Hand Soap, Creams & Lotions
Manufacturer Brand Form Skin Cleansing Wipes & Gloves
Antibacterial Protection Fragrance Pack Size Eco-Aware Environment Support Pulp from FSC Certified Forests, Biodegradable