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Truly Nuts Salted Almonds One Tree planted for every purchase (Bag 120g) - 0401372 Your Price: £ 4.25 (£ 5.10 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 13.00 SAVE: £8.75
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 53248CP
MPN Code: 0401372
Experience the marriage of unique flavours and sustainability with Truly Nuts! Our nut varieties are more than just a healthy snack; they're a testament to our passion for our planet and its people. It’s easy to talk your way into our hand-picked, wild. It’s time to meet your match with our premium baked, sincerely salted almonds. A familiar crunch will soothe your “hanger†while the sassiest amount of salt drives your taste buds insane.
General Type Manufacturer Brand Food Type Pack Size Pack Type Flavour