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Blake Vita Kraft Mailing Bag Envelopes Peel and Seal Natural Brown 130gsm 229mm x 162mm x 40mm (Pack 125) - KBB120 Key Features Natural Brown Kraft Mailing Bag 229 x 162 x 40mm (C5) Sealing Type: Peel and Seal 130gsm Your Price: £ 37.98 (£ 45.58 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 114.16 SAVE: £76.18
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Order Code: 53374BL
MPN Code: KBB120
Constructed from heavy duty Kraft paper, these bags provide a sustainable alternative to the traditional polythene mailing bag. With peel and seal secure closure, once the rip strip has been removed, the bags are completely recyclable.
General Type Manufacturer Brand Colour Form Closure Mailing Box Colour Dimensions Eco-Aware Recycled Product