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Deflecto A4 Wall Mounted 25mm Aluminium Snap Frame Literature Display Sign Holder Black - SFA4B Key Features Display your message with this one-sided, front loading frame Flip open all four sides of the frame, insert graphics and snap close Frame can be hung horizontally or vertically Your message will stay protected with the clear, anti-glare plastic print protector Mounting hardware included (4 screws & 4 anchors) Lightweight satin aluminium frame Your Price: £ 4.99 (£ 5.99 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 14.40 SAVE: £9.41
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 53710DF
Simple, effective and easy to update, snap frames are one of the most effective ways of communicating brand messaging to potential customers. With wall mounted options available they can also save space and be used internally or externally for maximum impact.
General Type Manufacturer Brand Colour Size Frame Material Wall Mount Front Cover Warranty Country of Origin