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Plus By Pentel Mini Stapler ST-010V Flat Clinch Power Assist Mechanism Top Loading 25 Sheet Capacity White/Black 30592 Key Features Compact size for on the go Power assist mechanish for increased stapling power Top loading mechanism for quick and easy refilling Stapling capacity 25 sheets Your Price: £ 5.26 (£ 6.31 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 15.84 SAVE: £10.58
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 53864PE
MPN Code: 30592
Plus by Pentel - Mini stapler Easy to carry compact size stapler with power assist mechanism. The PLUS by Pentel Power Assist Stapler requires 50% less force and can easily be used to staple up to 20 sheets of paper (based on 64gsm paper) with just one hand. The flat clinch function reduces the volume of the attached paper down to a minimum. With top-loading refill mechanism for simple and quick refilling (Staple Type: No. 10).
General Type Manufacturer Brand Colour Material Form Capacity Use Staples Country of Origin