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Casio DH-12ET 12 Digit Desktop Calculator Key Features 12 Digit Large LCD Display large Format Desk Design dual power tax Keys euro Currency Conversion 3 Key Memory decimal Selector rounding Selector GT Memory Key change Sign Key % Key square Root Key 0 and 00 Key double size + Key function Command Indicator Your Price: £ 15.01 (£ 18.01 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 18.49 SAVE: £3.48
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 31779J, 54062CX
MPN Code: DH-12ET
This wide format Casio desktop calculator is reliable and durable. It has a large 12-digit display and 3-key memory. It includes functions like tax calculation, Euro currency conversion and advanced percentage calculation.
Casio DH-12ET 12 Digit Desktop Calculator brochure