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Plus By Pentel Guard Your ID Camouflage Self-Inking Roller Stamp With Refill Black 59144 Key Features Protection for your personal data Water resistant, lightfast, oil-based pigment ink for excellent coverage Perfect size for names and addresses on postcards or envelopes exctra Refill Your Price: £ 6.78 (£ 8.14 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 19.72 SAVE: £12.94
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 54088PE
MPN Code: 59144
Plus by Pentel - camouflage roller stamp + refill Plus self-inking Redacting roller. A handy solution to protect your identity from ID fraud or to blot out barcodes or addresses from previously delivered parcels. Handy protection for your personal data. Specially designed stamping pattern covers printed information. May not conceal all data completely, depending on the type of paper or print. Water-resistant, lightfast, and oilbased pigment ink with excellent concealing performance. Repeated stamping possible without an ink pad.
General Type Manufacturer Brand Stamp Type Form Ink Colour Stamp Colour Country of Origin