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Sigel CONCEPTUM A4 Casebound Hard Cover Notepad 4 Hole Punched Ruled 120 Detachable Pages Black CO801 Key Features The Conceptum product group has won numerous international design awards Elegant design with a rippled soft-touch surface for a special surface feel Chamois-coloured paper (80 gsm, PEFC-certified), printed in classy grey Quick pocket inside the back cover for storing documents High-quality perfect binding, flexible front cover that folds back easily, 4-hole punching, space for the date at the top Your Price: £ 6.99 (£ 8.39 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 20.08 SAVE: £13.09
Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 54951SG
MPN Code: CO801
There's no need to choose between a notepad that is practical and one that looks good. This functional, elegant Conceptum notepad is your modern companion for the office and business life. The stylish black lined notepad in A4 format (21,1 x 29,7 cm) with 120 pages (all pages are microperforated) and a stiff cover that guarantees a sturdy writing surface.