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Loctite Glass Bond Super Glue 3g Transparent - 2979522 Key Features Dishwasher Resistant Transparent Bonds in seconds Solvent Free Your Price: £ 3.00 (£ 3.60 inc. VAT) RRP: £ 9.32 SAVE: £6.32
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Order Code: 56664HK
MPN Code: 2979522
Bonding in seconds and drying transparently, Loctite glass bond creates crystal clear bonds that are water and dishwasher resistant. Able to bond to glass, crystal, tinted glass, glass works, opaque glass and blown glass, it is ideal for use with objects such as spectacles. Solvent free, the glue is supplied in an easy to open tube with an anti-clog cap.
General Type Manufacturer Brand Colour Form Pack Size Adhesive Type For Use With Glass, crystal, Tinted Glass, Glass Works, Opaque Glass and Blown Glass
Country of Origin