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Lexmark MS823dn A4 Mono Laser Printer Key Features Monochrome Laser Duplex (2-sided) Printing: Integrated Duplex Print Speed: Up to 61 ppm Recommended Monthly Page Volume: 5,000 - 75,000 Pages Your Price: £ 791.55 (£ 949.86 inc. VAT) Out of stock - Please call us for alternatives or delivery date
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Order Code: 8LE50G0225
MPN Code: 50G0225
Satisfy large-workgroup requirements for performance, reliability and security with the Lexmark MS820 Series. They deliver a first page in as little as 4 seconds and print up to 66 pages per minute. Robust paper handling, Ultra High Yield replacement toner and flexible input and output options add up to uninterrupted productivity.
General Type Colour Size Connection Functions Print Speed Mono Print Resolution Duty Cycle Duplex Speed Range Dimensions Weight Eco-Aware Environment Support Warranty