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ISO Stacking Chair Black Poly Black Frame BR000056 Key Features Easy to wipe clean poly material Curved poly backrest Lightweight robust frame Stackable up to 12 high Great Conference/Meeting Chair Tested up to: 115 kg Usage: 6 hours Your Price: £ 59.61 (£ 71.53 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 59994DY
MPN Code: BR000056
These stackable chairs are practical and comfortable. Stack-away for an efficient spacesaving solution. Ideal for the boardroom, the meeting room, the seminar, public waiting areas, canteens and schools. These are the best example of a well established chair design that is a favourite in both public and the private sector environment.
General Type Banqueting & Conference Chairs
Colour Material Style Seat Height With Arms Frame Leg Type Recommended Weight Limit Dimensions Weight Warranty Stackable Back Height Back Width Self Assembly