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Blue Label Padded Bubble Envelope 180x265mm Peel and Seal White (Pack 100) - RBL10419 Key Features Tough, strong and tear resistant - contains a reinforced layer which protects contents from being damaged Handy re-open tape - enables the bag to be re-opened and re-sealed without destroying it Secure pockets with flat welded edges - ensures the contents arrive in an unspoiled condition Flap with 5mm holes for use with clips Your Price: £ 11.75 (£ 14.10 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 63358BG
MPN Code: RBL10419
Customers choose bubble bags because of their reliable strength and outstanding crush protection, which is needed to protect fragile contents. This popular all-rounder is big on style and light on packaging. The tiny bubbles offer superb crush protection for delicate components, with an inner layer which is water-resistant.
General Type Colour Size Liner Material Internal Size Closure Opening Water-resistant Dimensions Eco-Aware Environment Support FSC and Rainforest Alliance Certified