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Goldline A3 Display Book 24 Pocket Landscape Black - GDB24/LZ Key Features Grained black PVC covers 24 top opening clear PVC pockets welded into spine Card holder on front cover Strong covers protect the contents 24 pockets / 48 views Your Price: £ 34.81 (£ 41.77 inc. VAT) Thank you for choosing CW Office!
Order Code: 65552EX
MPN Code: GDB24/LZ
The Guildhall Display Book has a Flexible grained PVC cover. Can hold A3 documents and has high quality crystal clear pockets. The display book has 24 pockets of 48 viewing pages. Landscape format. Pockets welded into spine to keep contents secure
General Type Colour Size Material Capacity Orientation Pocket On Front Cover Cover Form Dimensions Weight Eco-Aware Recycled Product Country of Origin